Medical Competence Centers

Here you can find our international medical competence centers (Gynecology | Laparoscopy | Urology)

Centre of Minimally Invasive Pelvic Surgery of the Gynecologic and Obstetrical University Hospital of the Karol Marcinkowski Poznan | POLAND

  • Centre for Hysteroscopy under Local Anaesthesia

The first and only certified training centre for the GUBBINI method in Poland with a unique and leading role in the training and education regarding mini-hysteroresectoscopy procedures performed with the GUBBINI System under local anaesthesia.

Professor Maciej Wilczak has the unique distinction of being the only doctor in Poland to build a certified training centre for procedures based on the GUBBINI method. Opened at the end of 2022, the Centre for Hysteroscopy under Local Anaesthesia with the Certificate of Center of Excellence is a place where health of Polish women is taken care of at the highest, world-class level.

More about the treatments, a calendar of events and training events held at our Centre:

Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum MVZ Berlin | GERMANY

Dr. Eleonora Boschetti Grützmacher

  • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
  • Office Operative Hysteroscopy
  • Office Resectoscopy

Inmater Clinica de Fertilidad, VIP Medical Care | PERU-VENEZUELA

Dr. Jose Luis Goncalves

  • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
  • Office Operative Hysteroscopy
  • Fetal Medicine
  • Fertility

Policlinico Abano Terme - Abano Terme (PD) | ITALY

Dr. Raffaele Ricciardi

  • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
  • Office Operative Hysteroscopy
  • Office Resectoscopy
  • Resectoscopy with Sedation
  • Reference Center for Workshops and Hysteroscopy Trainings


Dr. Giovanni Pontrelli, Dr. Nicola Fattizzi

  • Laparoscopy Procedures
  • Hystersocpy and Laparoscopy Trainings and Workshops

Ospedale Madre Teresa di Calcutta - Schiavonia (PD) | ITALY

Dr. Carlo Dorizzi, Dr. Pasquale Scognamiglio, Dr.ssa Giulia Guidetti, Dr. Afif Al Merai

  • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
  • Office Resectoscopy
  • Resectoscopy with Sedation
  • Workshops and Trainings in Hystersocopy

Casa di Cura Villa Laura, Casa di Cura Villa Madre Fortunata Toniolo (Bologna) | ITALY

Dr. Giampietro Gubbini

  • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
  • Office Operative Hysterscopy
  • Mini Resectoscopy with General Anestesthesia
  • Resectoscopy with General Anestehesia
  • Reference Center for Hysteroscopy Trainings and Workshops

Ospedale Garibaldi-Nesima (Catania) | ITALY

Dr.ssa Carla Ettore

  • Mini Resectoscopy
  • Reference Center for Hysteroscopy Trainings and Workshops

Ospedale degli Infermi - Ponderano (Biella) | ITALY

Dr. Giovanni Lipari, Dr. Paolo Alessi, Dr. Alessandro Messina

  • Mini Resectoscopy

Ospedale dei Castelli - Roma | ITALY

Dr. Francesco Barletta

  • Mini Resectoscopy
  • Resectoscopy with General Anesthesia

Ospedale Carlo Urbani - Jesi (AN) | ITALY

Dr. Gianluca Grechi, Dr. Gaetano Papa

  • Mini Resectoscopy
  • Resectoscopy with General Anesthesia

Ospedale Sacro Cuore - Negrar (VR) | ITALY

Dr. Marcello Ceccaroni, Dr. Giovanni Roviglione, Dr. Francesco Bruni, Dr. Mirenda

  • Laparoscopy Procedures
  • Reference Center for Trainings and Events in Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy


Dr. Matteo Ceccarello, Dr.ssa Maria Manzone, Dr.ssa Bruna Zantedeschi, Dr.ssa Maria Teresa Mirandola

  • Mini Resectoscopy
  • Reference Center for Trainings and Events in Hysteroscopy

Ospedale Umberto Parini - Aosta | ITALY

Dr. Livio Leo

  • Mini-Resectoscopy
  • Resectoscopy with General Anestheisa
  • Reference Center for Trainings and Events in Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy




By taking advantage of the contemporary advances in the field of surgical gynaecology, we put into practice the latest solutions in the treatment of gynaecological conditions. If surgical treatment is necessary, we prefer the endoscopic technique as it is modern and most beneficial to our patients; the methods used in our Centre minimise the risk of complications, shorten the time of hospital stay and have a positive effect on the return to normal activity. We are aware that many gynaecological conditions are complex problems, which is why we place emphasis on the interdisciplinary treatment.


Professor Maciej Wilczak



Hysteroscopy has evolved in a surprising way in recent years, and I consider that one of the aspects that has contributed most to this evolution is the miniaturization of the equipment, an example of this are the Gubbini 16 Fr resectoscopes and the Gubbini ellipse 14.9 Fr, I have been using them for more than three years and from my point of view they significantly expand the possibility of resolving a large number of endometrial pathologies in the office without the need for sedation or dilatation of the cervix, besides being a very useful tool for the treatment of cervical pathologies and hysteroscopic management of isthmocele.

Dr. Jose Luis Cocalves

Dr. Jose Luis Goncalves (Peru | Venezuela)



The GUBBINI Mini-Hystero-Resectoscope-Systems with 14.9 Fr. and 16 Fr. clearly have the potential to revolutionize current proceedings in minimal invasive gynecology towards a more “gentle” approach with less traumatizing interventions in gynecology. Due to the small diameters, the cervical canal does not have to be dilated which means significant pain reduction for the patient and allows a smooth and easy approach under local anesthesia. The “See & Treat”, meaning the change from diagnostic to operating sheath without extraction of the system from the body, enables comfortable bipolar resection in saline solution. Reduced operating times and safe procedures are consequently reached with this device.


Dr. Giampetro Gubbini



The mini-sizes of the GUBBINI systems allow to perform hysteroscopic and resectoscopic interventions without anesthesia at all. A great advance in modern gynecology! Still, some patients will need local anesthesia due to anatomic circumstances. It is also reassuring in case of axiety and increased stress level, both for patient and doctor. With the “Hysteroblock” uterine paracervical block needle, I perform with success an easy and realiable injection for local anesthesia during interventions with the GUBBINI Mini-Hystero-Resectoscope.


Dr. Raffaele Ricciardi

Meanwhile I have used the TONTARRA GUBBINI System during quite some hysteroscopic operations. It works smoothly and the interventions have been carried out successfully.


Univ. Prof. Dr. Albrecht Guiliani



This instrument has a great performance and is highly advantageous during the most common indications like small myoma and polyps. Thus, it covers 80 % of the Standard indications in Gynecology. Learning to use this system is very simple and the change from conventional systems to the GUBBINI system is intuitive. There are some small tricks which make life easier but for newcomers handling and technique is easily adapted


Dr. med. Eleonora Boschetti Grützmacher



About 10 years after the introduction, the Gubbini Mini Hystero-Resectoscope offers a multitude of options for non-invasive diagnostic and therapeutical procedures in hysteroscopy. In fact, it’s able to perform both, hysteroscopy and resectoscopy with reduced diameter of the shaft thanks to the 16 Fr. with continuous flow and optional 5 Fr. working channel with the possibility of a rapid and gentle endoscopic therapy for a wide range of uterine cavity diseases. This is a perfect application of a spectacular idea that only after “ many hours of flight”, as my friend repeat continuously, it may arise, after helped by a good staff. By way of introducing miniature loops which are shaped ideally to the given anatomical proportions, the strain to female patients could be clearly reduced and we work very well with the patient’s cooperation without pain. The GUBBINI is a hybrid operative hysteroscope for its instruments sets of which each is applicable in both, a mono- or bipolar surgical environment. I can only advise you fervently for the ease of use, for the vision not compromised during the procedure also with the blood. Try it, it will not make you regret the classic resectoscope and you will give an excellent therapeutic option to your patient.


Prof. Dr. Leo Livio

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