Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung der Kongresse, Messen, Workshops und Trainings auf denen TONTARRA vertreten ist. Wir freuen uns über Ihren Besuch und Ihr Interesse an unseren Produkten und Dienstleistungen.
Kongresse & Messen
Wir präsentieren Ihnen den TONTARRA E-BOOTH, unseren digitalen Messestand. Unsere Online-Ausstellung ist 24/7 für Sie geöffnet.
In einer digitalen Messeumgebung präsentieren wir Ihnen Neuigkeiten und Informationen über das Unternehmen, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen.
Workshops & Trainings
LIVE-CHIRURGIE-KURSE in Italien mit Dr. Gubbini oder Dr. Ricciardi (Minigruppenkurse)
Office Resectoscopy Training - Level - 1 day
1) General Anatomy about Female Genital and Reproductive Apparatus
2) Paracervical Block Local Anesthesia (Applications, Technique and User Protocol)
3) Vaginoscopy Technique in Approaching Office Hysteroscopy
4) GUBBINI Mini-Hysteroscopy (Instruments – Original, Ellipse, MIDI Versions)
5) Instrument Assembling, Correct Use, Office Resectoscopic Technique
6) Pathologies Treatable with GUBBINI Systems:
- Cervical and Endometrial Polyps ≤ 2 cm
- Myomas G0, G1, G2 ≤ 2 cm
- Synechiae and Adhesions
- Ashermann Syndrome
- Isthmocele
- Uterus Septum
- Endometrial Hyperplasia
7) Protocol Use of GUBBINI SYSTEMS with Monopolar and HF Bipolar Current
>> For more information please contact us under: sales@tontarra.de
Resectoscopy Training - Level II - 2 days
1st DAY – Office Resectoscopy with GUBBINI Systems
- General Anatomy about Female Genital and Reproductive Apparatus
- Paracervical Block Local Anesthesia (Applications, Technique and User Protocol)
- Vaginoscopy Technique in Approaching Office Hysteroscopy
- GUBBINI Mini-Hysteroscopy (Instruments – Original, Ellipse, MIDI Versions)
- Instrument Assembling, Correct Use, Office Resectoscopic Technique
- Pathologies Treatable with GUBBINI Systems:
- Cervical and Endometrial Polyps ≤ 2 cm
- Myomas G0, G1, G2 ≤ 2 cm
- Synechiae and Adhesions
- Ashermann Syndrome
- Isthmocele
- Uterus Septum
- Endometrial Hyperplasia
- Protocol Use of GUBBINI SYSTEMS with Monopolar and HF Bipolar Current
2nd DAY – Classic Resectoscopy with 22 and 26 Fr. Resectoscopes
- Classic Resectoscopes (22 Fr. – 26 Fr.)
- Instrument Assembling, Correct Use, Standard Resectoscopic Technique
- Use of HEGAR Dilatation Set and Tenaculum Forceps
- Pathologies Treatable with Classic Resectoscopes:
- Cervical and Endometrial Polyps > 2 cm
- Myomas G0, G1, G2 > 2 cm
- Large Synechiae and Adhesions
- Ashermann Syndrome
- Large Isthmocele
- Large Uterus Septum
- Extended Endometrial Hyperplasia
- Protocol Use of Classic Resectoscopes with Monopolar and HF Bipolar Current
>> For more information please contact us under: sales@tontarra.de
HOSPITAL ENGINEERING ACADEMY (externer, unabhängiger Schulungsanbieter) – Schulungsangebote für Fachpersonal im Gesundheitswesen
Programmübersicht 2023/2024
Das Team von Hospital Engineering, dessen Kerngeschäft die Entwicklung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen und die Lieferung von Ausrüstung, Installation, Wartung, technischem Support und Schulungen ist, besteht aus qualifizierten Experten aus dem Gesundheitssektor. Durch unsere langjährige Berufserfahrung haben wir ein hohes Maß an Fachwissen in den verschiedenen erforderlichen Disziplinen entwickelt. In der Hospital Engineering Academy profitieren die Teilnehmer von diesem einzigartigen Know-how. Unsere Schulungen kombinieren theoretisches Wissen mit praktischen Erfahrungen aus der ganzen Welt.
Nächste Kurse vor Ort
Sie können verfügbare Kurse direkt aus der untenstehenden Liste buchen. Bitte setzen Sie sich mit Hospital-Engineering in Verbindung, um individuelle Gruppenschulungen für Ihre Organisation in unseren Schulungseinrichtungen oder an einem Ort Ihrer Wahl zu buchen.
Extend your knowledge!
Check out our newly introduced Webinars!
These webinars intend to bring product-expertise and education to you with the aim to help you understand and promote our products.
- LUMI_NIR Fluorescence Imaging Technology
- Quick Setup Guide for ENDOOR TOWER
- Summary & Repetition of Setup
- How to perform the Automatic White Balance
- Sources of errors (Automatic White Balance)
- Quick demo to show the image quality of the camera
- Fiber check of endoscope & light source
- Menu structure – On Screen Design
- Language: English
- Participation: free of charge
- Duration of Webinar: approx. 25 min
GUBBINI Webinar Serie
My name is Dr. Andrea De Michieli and I will guide you through the webinars. I’m Product- and Sales Manager at TONTARRA, based in Padua, Italy. By organizing workshops and trainings with Prof. Giampietro Gubbini, and Prof. Raffaele Ricchiardi, I have gained great insights into Hysteroscopy and I’m really excited to transmit my knowledge to you. With Prof. Gubbini, the inventor of this unique device, we have recently prepared a video sessions for part 3 – „SHOW & TREAT: A clinical case example“.
I look forward to this experience and to connect with you!
Best regards
Your Andrea de Michieli & TONTARRA Webinar team
- Anatomy & Examination of the Uterus
- Office Diagnostic & Surgery
- History of Hysteroscopy
- Advantages & Limits of Office Hysteroscopy
- Language: English
- Participation: free of charge
- Duration of Webinar Part 1: approx. 25 min
- Components & configurations of the GUBBINI-System
- Comparison: GUBBINI vs. conventional hysteroscopic surgery
- Advantages of mini-resectoscopic surgery
- Hysteroscopic & resectoscopic applications
- Technical execution & procedures
- Operation requirements and factors of Mini-Resectoscopy
- VIDEO SESSION: Examination methods & treatment options
- Language: English
- Participation: free of charge
- Duration of Webinar Part 2: approx. 45 min
- Introduction
- About Dr. Gubbini
- Overview – Case Example
- Description of GUBBINI Components
- Preparations for Operation
- Treatment & Closing questions
- Result – Success Story
- Language: English
- Participation: free of charge
- Duration of Webinar Part 3: approx. 20 min