The innovative Blue Endo line for minimal invasive surgery is completely ‘made in Germany’ and is a useful extension of our existing portfolio in Laparascopic and Gynecology surgery.
Regional availability of blueendo products by TONTARRA upon request.

Please visit our manufacturing partner:

Uterus Manipulator
- 2 different versions available: rigid and adjustable
- The rigid manipulator allows a ‚simplified‘ manipulation during hysterectomy
- The adjustable version is used for all performances of laparascopic hysterectomy
- Adapters in different sizes available
- The system is very solidly and reusable designed

Vaginal und Rectal Probes
- Improved safety by better vizualisation
- Assists in a better preparation of rectum and vaginal structures during the surgical correction of a vaginal prolaps
- Suitable for various laparascopic procedures with/without net application
- Less trauma by use of non-traumatic adapters
- Easy handling | Reusable