Product areas
Open Surgery
TONTARRA, also known as a well-established and qualified full-service supplier offers a wide range of surgical instruments for all fields of General surgery. The manufactured and offered product portfolio includes all standard-type instruments and a wide choice for special surgical fields. e.g. coronary/vascular surgery, gastro-intestinal surgery, ENT, dermatology, neurosurgery.
TONTARRA offers a state-of-the-art minimal invasive product portfolio, including a diverse choice of quality telescope system solutions with a wide range of matching accessories.
Our Endoscopy systems of the latest technology are compatible with systems of the most important market players.
GUBBINI – System (Gynecology)
- Mini-hystero-resectoscope-system
- No changing of unit required
- Diagnostic and therapeutical procedures without prior dilatation
- Shortened OR time
EndoorC – System (Laparoscopy)
- Monopolar laparascopic instruments and devices
- Easy assembly and disassembly
- Reusable inserts
- Simple cleaning
LOFT-LINE needle holder (Laparascopy)
- Extremely light-weighted
- Ergonomic handling
- Teflon-coated
- Built-in overload protection
SWING-Punches (Neurosurgery)
- Upper shaft part semi-detachable
- Optimal cleaning capability
- No risk of loss of instrument parts
- Easy opening of the shaft
CLEAN WAVE – Punches & Rongeurs
- Single-component system, Trademark protected
- Safe and reliable medical interventions
- Wave-like shaft shaping
- Reduced friction
TROMP-LINE needle holder (Laparascopy)
- Super light weighted
- Excellent ergonomy
- Handle: teflon-coated
- Pistol handle suitable for both hands
Distributed by TONTARRA

The innovative Blue Endo line for minimal invasive surgery is completely ‘made in Germany’ and is a useful extension of our existing portfolio in Laparascopic and Gynecology surgery.
Regional availability of blueendo products by TONTARRA upon request.
You get here qualified product references
from experienced specialists and surgeons.

Air cleaning against Corona
Handling indoor air during pandemic times.
Immediate deployment of mobile units achieve UltraClean® air.
TONTARRA is convinced of this concept and has closed contracts with the English manufacturer “Air Sentry ®” for the international distribution of the devices. The same-named product line is being sold from the company’s headquarters in Wurmlingen, Germany, to the medical and non-medical market.