TONTARRA has supported the Charité Hospital during their “21st Course in Gynecology and Obstetrics” in Berlin. From 10-12 September we provided two workstations equipped with endoscopy systems, electrosurgery units and the Gubbini-Mini-Hystero-Resectoscopy-System, which was of special interest for the participants. Using gynecology models, the participants were able to convince themselves of the advantages of this special, minimally-invasive technique and “soft” approach of our devices. Besides many interesting lectures and discussions, the Clinic for Gynecology with center for oncologic surgery, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Jalid Sehouli, organized practical hands-on courses and workshops. Dr. Boschetti supported the workstations with her leading expert knowledge, which found great interest among the approx. 200 participants. Also thanks to our regional distributor, Mr. Gallasch, MediGal GmbH, this has been a valuable event for us!
Picture (from left to right):
– Prof. Dr. med. Jalid Sehouli (Medical Director Department of Gynecology including center of oncological surgery and Department of Gynecology; Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
– Johannes Gallasch (Fa. Medigal)
– Dr. med. Eleonora Boschetti (Head of centre for uterus diagnosis and therapy, Office Hysteroscopy; Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
– Joachim Hahn (Sales Manager, TONTARRA)