Prof. Maciej Wilcazk and his team educate Polish doctors in minimally invasive hysteroscopy procedures with the GUBBINI Mini-Hystero-Resectoscope The Center for Minimally Invasive Pelvic Surgery at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Teaching Hospital of the Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań, as the first and only in Poland, received a certificate as official training center. This act confirms that it plays a unique and leading role in training and education on Mini-Hystero-Resectoscopy procedures using the GUBBINI System performed under local anesthesia. Thanks to this procedure – Hysteroscopy under local anesthesia – patients can be discharged from the clinic only two hours after the procedure. Professor Maciej Wilczak, Head of the Department and Clinic of Mother and Child Health of GPSK, being the originator and coordinator of the Center is the only doctor in Poland who received this unique distinction and the opportunity to build a certified training center according to the “GUBBINI-method”. Dr. Giampietro Gubbini, guest of honor and creator of this method, proudly stated during the opening ceremony that with this new center his work and the work of international colleagues over the last 15 years receives a unique appreciation. His first idea was to use even smaller instruments to perform the diagnostic and operative procedures inside the uterus channel and the uterus itself safer, gentler, and faster. A paradigm change could be achieved over the years, despite sceptic considerations on quite some sides, and today patients can be treated excellently and gently at the same time. Furthermore, important representatives of the state, local authorities as well as Professor Bruno van Herendael (Medical Director of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy- ISGE) attended the opening ceremony. Also, Mr. Alberto Petrella (CEO of TONTARRA Medizintechnik GmbH) attended the event as a special guest. From the very beginning, Mr. Petrella and the whole TONTARA team collaborated closely with Dr. Giampietro Gubbini to realize the innovative GUBBINI system. Thanks to the Polish company and TONTARRA distributor, IMS Innovative Medical Solutions, the products and method have been successfully introduced in Poland.
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