Category: Service
14 Apr
The efforts of the last years have been worthwhile: In January we have successfully passed stage 1-audit of the Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (MDR), recently followed by stage 2, also with a successful result. Thus, we have reached the status “MDR-Ready” and now wait for the approval of our technical file for class Ir-products until end of April. We will keep you updated as soon as the new Certificates are available!
Read More 24 Feb
Welcome to our new TONTARRA eBooth!
Our digital online exhibition - open 24/7.
Due to the tense CORONA situation and ongoing contact restrictions, we are currently not represented at any trade fairs or congresses. Therefore, we would like to bring into your mind, one more time, the TONTARRA E-BOOTH, our digital exhibition. This online exhibition is open for you 24/7. In a digital trade fair environment we present news and information about our company, products and services. And we have news for you TODAY:
The Launch of the EndoorCam 40 - our 4K ULTRA HD CAMERA System!
Visit our eBooth now and get detailed information there:
TONTARRA | eBooth (
We will regularly update the News room so stay tuned, we will inform you about that!
Read More 07 Oct
Handling indoor air during pandemic times
The cold season is approaching and aerosols in closed spaces are becoming a hot topic these days. Protection against airborne Corona virus infection cannot solely be granted through distance and masks. But how can we carry on with “normal life” under these circumstances? Studies confirm the spread of the virus via aerosols that are being carried in the air in high concentrations for many hours. Good ventilation or air cleaning units significantly reduce these aerosols and can prevent transmission. At low outside temperatures, ventilation through windows and doors cannot take place without creating other health risks. And who wants to miss cozy rooms during wintertime?
Good news: HEPA filters can help
To avoid the spread of Corona virus, we all know now that sufficient ventilation is essential, especially in indoor spaces with numerous people. In addition to medical facilities such as hospitals, medical practices, ambulatories, residential care, this applies to many places where everyday life happens: classrooms, daycare, work places, meeting rooms or fitness studios. According to the latest media reports also farsighted restaurateurs these days start using air cleaners to enable their guests a carefree and safe visit. Teachers' associations are calling for quick solutions and numerous schools have already recognized the urgent need for action. An increasing number are having classrooms and teachers' rooms equipped with air cleaners.
Authorities recommend high grade filtration HEPA class H14
In view of the current pandemic, the WHO points out that air should be exchanged 12 times an hour in medical facilities. They recommend high-performance HEPA filters in their practical manual for the Management of SARI in health facilities of March 2020. The German IRK (Indoor Air Hygiene Commission) of the Federal Environment Agency reiterates the importance of air exchange, stating that high grade HEPA filters offer “increased safety”. Such HEPA filters together with a sophisticated air current control have been successfully used in Air Sentry® air cleaning units for many years. Their ACU’s (Air Cleaning Units) are designed as mobile systems or wall units and have been developed for the highest demands in medical technology. They have been successfully used in hospitals and ambulatories for many years and are certified and tested according to clean room criteria.
Immediate deployment of mobile units achieves UltraClean® air within short time
TONTARRA Medizintechnik GmbH is convinced of this concept and has closed contracts with the English manufacturer “Air Sentry®” for the international distribution of the devices. The same-named product line is being sold from the company's headquarters in Wurmlingen, Germany, to the medical and non-medical market. Particularly important is the tested and certified quality of the air cleaners. Designed for medical use, Air Sentry® guarantees "Ultra Clean Air®", almost sterile air quality. The devices have proven their efficiency e.g. during the spread of the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium where infection chains in Ealing Hospital in England were interrupted. Also, during the swine flu pandemic, the devices have been successfully used in health care units in the UK. These days it seems obvious to apply these high-performance devices in closed spaces in general. With its multi-stage filter, individually tested, the Air Sentry® systems can help all of us in times of Corona. We can learn or work in a safer environment, have medical treatments with less fear or simply eat together with friends and family at the restaurant.
Efficiency depends on performance of cleaners
The market is currently being flooded with air cleaners. Important criteria are the Standard according to which production However, the efficiency of the systems can only be judged through tested quality. Air Sentry® has been proven to remove microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria but also other particles down to 0.007 microns, also most gases. Tested at 0.3 microns efficiency is 99.99998% or better. Testing is performed according to DIN EN ISO 14644-3, Clean Room Standard. In addition to its efficiency in cleaning the air, fast deployment and low upgrading costs are important criteria to provide quick solution. Mobile devices have clear advantages here. They do not require any installation effort, are ready for immediate use and are extremely flexible for being used wherever needed. Getting back to the question about how to return to “normal life”, Air Sentry® air purifier can be a factor to bring us closer to this wish – especially in cold times. Sources:
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02 Oct
Air purifiers can help to fight the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic
Our today’s message is dedicated to the airborne transmission of COVID-19 and minimization of risks in medical institutions. A hot topic these days ! Working in the medical field, this is one of the biggest concerns of our customers, patients, doctors and hospital staff. So many infections, especially among hospital staff, have been reported, unfortunately. Scientists have identified aerosols (droplet nuclei) as the major infection pathway for the spread of the virus COVID-19.
Features & Benefits of ACU air purifier The Air Cleaning Units are simple to operate and quiet. Contaminated air is pulled into the device and through highly efficient filters, particles at sizes 0.3um or larger are removed, eliminating viruses, bacillus, spores, moulds or other dirt. Finally, clean air is returned into the room.
Numerous units of these air purifiers have been installed for many years in hospitals and other environments in different countries with approved good results and comply with EN ISO standards and HTM.
More information about our ACU air purifier:
>> ACU air purifier info page
>> ACU air purifier newsletter
>> Flyer ACU air purifier
Read More Categories: Air Purifier against Corona, Service
16 Sep
WELCOME TO THE GENTLE SIDE OF GYNECOLOGY Extend your knowledge on the GUBBINI Mini-Hystero-Resectoscope!
Check out our newly introduced Webinar-series! This new webinar-series intends to bring product-expertise and education to you with the aim to help you understand and promote our products. My name is Dr. Andrea De Michieli and I will guide you through the webinars. I’m Product- and Sales Manager at TONTARRA, based in Padua, Italy. By organizing workshops and trainings with Prof. Giampietro Gubbini, and Prof. Raffaele Ricchiardi, I have gained great insights into Hysteroscopy and I’m really excited to transmit my knowledge to you. With Prof. Gubbini, the inventor of this unique device, we are now preparing video sessions for part 3 to come soon. I look forward to this new experience and to connect with you! TOPICS OF WEBINAR PART 1 – BASICS: Anatomy & Examination of the Uterus
Office Diagnostic & Surgery
History of Hysteroscopy
Advantages & Limits of Office Hysteroscopy
Language: English
Participation: free of charge
Duration of Webinar Part 1: approx. 25 min >> REGISTRATION WEBINAR PART 1 << TOPICS OF WEBINAR PART 2: Components & configurations of the GUBBINI-System
Comparison: GUBBINI vs. conventional hysteroscopic surgery
Advantages of mini-resectoscopic surgery
Hysteroscopic & resectoscopic applications
Technical execution & procedures
Operation requirements and factors of Mini-Resectoscopy
VIDEO SESSION: Examination methods & treatment options
Language: English
Participation: free of charge
Duration of Webinar Part 2: approx. 45 min >> REGISTRATION WEBINAR PART 2 <<
Read More 01 Oct
TONTARRA is available on a further Social-Media-Plattform:
On our new Instagram profile you'll get information about our company, events (congresses, exhibitions, workshops, trainings), products and further news.
Follow us: @tontarra_med
>> TONTARRA Instagram Profil
Read More 20 Sep
We are pleased to announce our partnership with ISGE, a non-profit, scientific and educational organization and exchange platform of clinical experience, scientific thought and investigation among gynecologic endoscopists. This cooperation enables us to keep track of the latest research and evaluations of endoscopic procedures and instrumentation and to contribute with our expertise in technological knowledge in minimal-invasive gynecologic surgery - for the best patient’s outcome. As a structural sponsor we have a direct communication channel to the society members with publicity mailings, as well as to gynecologists around the world with publications on (scientific website of ISGE), and Masterclasses for the Gubbini-Mini-Hystero-Resectoscope, organized by TONTARRA together with ISGE, will be an extra highlight of this cooperation.
Read More 04 Oct
The new TONTARRA web presence features an improved and modern look with a special focus on ‘enhanced usability’ by ensuring a fast access and an easy retrievability of contents. Typically, internet users increasingly gather their information by making use of mobile gadgets like tablets and smart phones. Tontarra has responded to this trend in the design of their new website. A ‘Responsive Design’ ensures the most accurate representation of all web content in consideration of the respective screen resolution. In section ‚company‘ we provide detailed information on our fields of competence and business units. The product pages provide insight especially on the surgical areas Open Surgery and Endoscopic Surgery as an important part of our innovative house brands. For further product inquiries (catalogues, brochures, flyer, etc.) please make use of our cloud service.
> Further information about TONTARRA Cloud
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04 Oct
The TONTARRA Cloud Service is based on an online filesharing and storage system and is designed to provide further product information as a download for our customers and interested parties. The data security is guaranteed because the location of our webserver is in Germany. The cloud sections we offer: Cloud section for interested parties with temporary access (catalogues, brochures)
Cloud section for our customers with permanent full access (catalogues, brochures, videos, presentations, product manuals, certificates)
Individual service cloud sections on request > Please request your cloud access here
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